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About Me

Name: Elleoz

From: Fort Mill, South Carolina, United States

I am 32 years old and have been married for 6 years. I had two children under 2 (hence the blog name), but now they are actually 3 and 2. Maybe it is time to change the blog name? Drama Queen is 3 and Wildman is 2 (15 months apart to be exact). I have a Bachelor's Degree on Criminal Justice from Applachian State University (Go Apps!) and have been at my current place of employment for going on 7 years.

My Complete Profile

Gotta Read Blogs
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  • Apropos of Something
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  • WouldaCouldaShoulda
  • Morphing Into Mama
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  • CPA Mom
  • True Wife Confessions
  • Hot House Mama
  • Mama? Mama Come Here!
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  • Cool Mom Picks
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  • The Plumbutt Chronicles
  • Mommy The Maid

  • Terrific Tenants
  • My Life In The Kid Zoo
  • Finding Yourself Despite Yourself
  • Mama? Mama Come Here!
  • Mommy The Maid
  • Have A Great Rest Of Your Day
  • Its My Life...
  • Hot House Mama
  • Expressions of Love
  • Much More Than A Mom
  • Break In Sanity
  • I Want A Little Sugar...

  • What I Am Reading

    What I Am Listening To

    Wednesday, May 30, 2007
    Wednesday Weigh In
    Yesterday was my first weigh in at Weight Watchers. The meetings themselves are a little over-the-top for me, but I know that I need to go to keep the momentum and motivation going. At least they are at times that I can go during my lunch breaks.

    As of yesterday I have lost.... are you ready?????

    9.2 pounds!

    Yes, you read that right. I almost fell right off the scale. But I know that that won't be a normal week for me soon. But needless to say I was estatic. And I haven't even started working out yet. That comes next week :)


      posted at 5/30/2007 12:26:00 PM

    Friday, May 25, 2007
    Taking It Back
    Sorry I have been missing for awhile. Work has kept me really busy. I have policy revisions that are due and I am trying frantically to get them fininshed today. Add that to two additional grants that I have to write and a grant revision due next week and I am one busy girl.
    If you have been around for awhile you may know that I struggle with my weight. Always have and probably always will. Five years ago next week I had gastric bypass surgery. I lost 150 pounds before I had my children. It was the hardest and best decision I have ever made for myself. Unfortunately, I have fallen back into all the old habits that made me 380+ pounds in the first place. And I have decided that it has to stop.
    I didn't go through everything that I went through to end up where I was 5 years ago. I haven't gained back all the weight but I have put on 50 pounds from where I was three or so years ago. Those old problems are coming back. I have no energy, my back hurts, my knee hurts when I walk up and down stairs and/or hills. Not to mention I hate the way I look. There is no one to blame but myself, and I am the only one that can do something about it.
    So, starting this past Monday I joined Weight Watchers. I contemplated joining other groups such as LA Weight Loss or Jenny Craig, but I think that this will be the best bet for me. I definately can't do it on my own, I need someone or something to hold me accountable. Although losing weight fast appeals to me for obvious reasons, I need something that will retrain this brain of mine and teach me once and for all how to lose it and keep it off.
    So, if I am a bit of a grouch for the next few weeks forgive me ok? I am wanting a Snickers and a Mountain Dew!

    Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV.

      posted at 5/25/2007 01:45:00 PM

    Friday, May 18, 2007
    Friday's Feast

    I read these every week over at Susie's blog and since I don't really have anything interesting to say (seems to be the norm lately eh?) I thought I would give it a try.


    3 emotions you experienced this week.

    Stress, frustration, anxiety


    Name a car you’d love to have.



    Describe your typical morning routine.

    Wake up at 5:30 am. Get dressed, brush teeth, etc. Make breakfast for the kids. Get DQ up, dressed and eating. Repeat with Wildman. Clean up breakfast dishes. Brush kids hair and teeth. Get everyone's shoes on. Drop kids off at daycare. Go to work.

    Main Course

    Have you ever emailed someone famous? If so, who, and what did you say to them? Did they reply?

    Not that I can recall. Unless local radio personalities count.


    Do you listen to podcasts? If so, which ones?

    Nope. I am cheap and don't have a "real" ipod or satellite radio. Only a sandisk mp3 player.

      posted at 5/18/2007 03:04:00 PM

    Buzz Kill
    Well I did it! I have been saying for a few weeks that I was going to cut Wild Man's hair. I probably should have said shave. Tomato, tomatoe. Here is the final result. What do you think?

    Yesterday Morning

    Yesterday Evening

      posted at 5/18/2007 02:46:00 PM

    Friday, May 11, 2007
    Croup De Ville
    Last night was an adventure, to say the least.
    WildMan has had a slight cold for several days now. Nothing to serious, just a litle runny nose and a dry cough. I expected it since anytime I leave him with someone over a weekend he seems to get sick. Just par for the course I suspect.
    Yesterday. I picked the kids up from daycare and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Both kids were in good spirits and acting crazy like they always do. We set off to the car. As soon as I got WildMan into the car seat I noticed that something was wrong. He was wheezing really bad and sounded horrible. I knew this couldn't be good.
    I got DramaQueen in the car and home we went. Alpha Male needed to make a Lottery Ticket run so I let him take the van with the kids in tow. Hey, anything to get a headstart on dinner without them fussing and trying to knaw their arm off is fine by me! I was making bar-b-que pork chops, mac n cheese, stuffing, and seasoned cabbage and needed the few extra minutes to get everything started.
    When they got home, of course WM thought that it was immediately time to eat and proceeded to throw a fit because I couldn't fill his belly RIGHT. NOW! He was sent to his room by Daddy to get it out of his system. Usually it only takes a few minutes and he is back to happy boy again. This time I heard him raving for a while. AM even went in there and sat with him to try and calm him down since he was already having problems breathing.
    Well, all through dinner WM sounded like an 80 year old man with emphazema (sp?) and I just knew that he had croup again. After dinner, I packed him up and to Urgent Care we went. I was told that he was in obvious breathing distress and that if the treatment didn't work that I would have to take him the the Children's ER in Charlotte. His oxygen level was low, and he was starting to wear out which is dangerous. The nurse (who was really sweet & had a thick British accent) played with WM a bit and then gave us his mask to give him an albuterol treatment.
    Boy was that fun! He screamed and cried the entire time. He was not a happy boy. But after a few minutes he stopped trying to claw my hands off and instead was wrapping his little fingers around my fingers as he sobbed. It tore my heart out, but I knew that it had to be done. They also gave him some liquid steriods and after about 25 minutes he was doing a lot better. They checked us out with a prescription for liquid albuterol and prednisone and told us that if he started wheezing like that again to take him to his DR or the Children's ER. I was also told to stay with him tonight in case he started having problems again.
    So I got his meds filled and put him to bed. After CSI and ER I camped out on a bunch of blankets on his floor and slept besdie his bed. I am happy to report that this morning he shows no signs of wheezing, but I told the daycare to watch him really closely (since she never noticed he was wheezing in the first place which kind of upsets me) and call me if he has another attack.
    All I know is that I am sure glad that he appears to be feeling better and I hope this doesn't become a regular thing. And I can truly sympathize with those of you (CPA Mom) who have asthmatic (sp?) children and have to give them home treatments. That was NOT fun and I hope that I never have to do it again.
    So that was my fun night! How was yours?

    No need to miss a message. Get email on-the-go
    with Yahoo! Mail for Mobile. Get started.

      posted at 5/11/2007 08:41:00 AM

    Tuesday, May 08, 2007
    Happy Mother's Day! Giveaway!
    For a site called 5 Minutes for Mom


    – what bigger day is there than Mother’s Day?!? I mean really – we couldn’t let YOUR day just slip by unnoticed! There has to be a celebration – a lavishing of gifts!

    So we are having a Mother’s Day Giveaway featuring multiple contests with fantastic prizes!

    Here is how it will work:

    From now until Mother’s Day, we will be posting various contests. To enter the contests you just need to:

    Add a comment on the contests you want to enter. PLEASE note you need to comment at the individual contests so we know who wants to be entered. Commenting here is wonderful - thank you - but it will not win you the iPod or any of the other prizes. You need to enter each contest individually. So make sure you click over to the contest and leave your comment there.

    Either link back to this post and include a Mother’s Day Giveaway button in that post or on your sidebar (to get the code click on read more at the bottom of this post,) or link to the individual contests you choose to enter. (If you post and include the button, either in your post or on your sidebar, and link back here, you are good to go for all the contests. No more linking required.)
    As always, non bloggers are welcome to participate! We know you can’t link - but feel free to spread the word to your friends.

    Some contests will be open to Canadians. Please check individual contests. (The iPod Nano contest IS open to Canadians.)

    Remember to keep checking back for the latest contests – you don’t want to miss any! We will be posting several in the next ten days.


      posted at 5/08/2007 09:58:00 AM


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